8 dolog, amire érdemes figyelni nyomkövető rendszer vásárlásakor

2015 March 18.

We hope that we can help you with our series of articles if you haven’t made the decision yet and if you only consider buying a vehicle tracking system respectively if you have already used such a system and you are ready to change to a more modern one.

The critical points of GPS systems are described below and we share our experiences with you about what makes a vehicle tracking service user-friendly.

First of all, let’s take a look at the basic requirements. What does constitute a good vehicle tracking service? What are the key factors that make it a practical tool?

1. It must be suitable for vehicle tracking.It might seem quite obvious, but what does it really mean? Online monitoring of vehicles and drivers respectively predefined alarm settings. It’s not good to spend the whole day in front of the system in order to use it efficiently. A good system saves you the significant part of the relative working hours.

2. User-friendly interface that can be used conveniently.

3. Modular structure. Pay only for what you really need!At the same time, however, the functions must be flexibly upgradeable. After all, you can never know…

4. Individual developments for the single sections.It is very important, since companies with sales or service fleet have possibly other expectations for the system than companies operating with truck fleet, working machines or farm machines. It must be reflected in the functions and the user interface as well. During the development phase the experiences of the company which sells the tracking system are of high importance in relation to the sector in question, so sales companies should be aware of how they can provide real help for instance for companies involved in precision farming, what companies with service fleet expect from a task-distribution system and how important the cargo bay temperature of a truck is during transportation and how it can be monitored whether the salesmen are on the „field” indeed. It requires broad knowledge and a lot of experiences, so when selecting the provider, also in this case it is worth preferring the companies with proven experiences on the market in question.

5. Modern map.It is good if the user can choose among more maps, respectively the map is expected to provide at least street level data within Europe as a basic requirement.

6. Precise fuel level measurement. It is obvious that every monitoring system hat its own limits and we all would like to get hundred percent efficiency, but let us be realistic: it is not very likely. Promises of this kind must be treated with caution, they can be kept only in the rarest cases, otherwise we have to learn the hard way. The other extreme case is not even good, but an accuracy of 3-5 percent in fuel level measurement can be expected.

7. Integration with the Timocom eMap® system.It is more efficient to work in a uniform system, this is obvious for those using these interfaces, since such a system gives significant competitive advantage for its users.

8. System suitable for toll payment.When purchasing a tracking system, you should give high priority to the selection of the appropriate supplier, that is, it must be an Accredited Declaration Operator. It is a more cheap and quick solution, since in this case you know exactly to whom you can address your questions.

Do you have further questions to be answered or we have aroused your interest and you are ready to test a tracking system? Or would you like to change and you are looking for a cost-effective solution?

We have developed our vehicle tracking system taking into account the previous points while tailored it especially to your needs. Click here and ask for a price quotation on our website, without obligations. All of your questions will be answered.


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