Megszűnnek a rendkívüli időjárás miatt bevezetett ingyenes útszakaszok

2014 January 16.

Road sections exempt of fees introduced due the the extraordinary weather have been terminated as well as the temporary truck traffic stop was also lifted on road sections concerned, since according to the weather forecast  such intense snowfall and freezing rain are not to be expected this week that would justify the further maintenance of the former yellow and red  alert level. It is highly recommended to check the toll balance before departure and to care for topping it up in time. Flash signals of OBU unit have merely informative value, more information on your balence may be acquired by looking at the online account.We call the attention of our kind customers to the fact that the rise in temperature simultaneously with the warm front lead to the decrease of concentrating ability of drivers, therefore everyone sitting behind the steering wheel must pay greater attention to the increased reaction time of other road users.

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