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Sorry, this entry is only available in Magyar.

We hereby inform you that the General Terms and Conditions of NÚSZ Zrt. (National Toll Payment Services PLC) will be changed as from 1 September 2017.

The deadline of the data to be transmitted to the Toll Declaration Operators will be limited to 15 days. We ask you to pay special attention to this deadline in order to be able to avoid penalties at any time. The process of data transfer and the further circumstances of the cooperation remain unchanged.

In which cases must increased attention be paid to this deadline?

The maximum satisfaction of our partners is very important for i-Cell Kft., so we ask you to study carefully the following information in order to be able to avoid the penalties.


In order to avoid toll penalties to a maximum degree, please take a look at our video series about the on-board unit under the following link:

If you have any further questions about the device, please visit our website where you can obtain useful information on how to use the device exactly:

Should you have any problems with your device, our colleagues are ready to help you on the phone number +36 1 510 0548 or under the e-mail address.

We look forward continuing our cooperation with you as smoothy as hitherto.

Best regards, i-Cell Kft.

Sorry, this entry is only available in Magyar.

Sorry, this entry is only available in Magyar.

Sorry, this entry is only available in Magyar.

Sorry, this entry is only available in Magyar.

Sorry, this entry is only available in Magyar.

i-Cell Kft, as the supporting partner of Spirit of Hungary  race boat as well as of Sándor Fa, who has taken part in the nonstop solo sailing regatta around the world which has been started on November 6, 2016, would like to congratulate on his success he achieved with extreme efforts and which serves as a model both for the Hungarian people and the international public as well.

The human and sport performance of Sándor Fa is for i-Cell of outstanding value, not only as regards his persistence and persevering efforts but also as regards the humility towards tasks and the intensive work performed to achieve his goals. As a Hungarian technology company we think that the success of Sándor Fa and the Spirit of Hungary has contributed to our sense of national togetherness and it can motivate us in case of challenges and we can pass it on to the next generations.

Thank you for the possibility that we could take part in this enormous project as a supporting partner!

Video about the moment of arrival







As reported in the national media,  a man called Charlie Joseph working as a paramedic in England had begun to fundraise for György Vígh, hero gym teacher got injured in the bus accident near Verona, through the community fundraising website. The aim of the initiative is to recognise through a community action his heroic behaviour in a tragical situation that is inconceivably difficult for most of us, and which i-Cell also joins, therefore we donate a symbolical 500 GBP for György Vígh  through the community fundraising website.

I-Cell, as a telematics service provider on the road passenger transport and  freight market,  considers the continuous development of safety and accident prevention as priority, besides, we would like to draw the attention to the fact, that the self-sacrificing heroism is one the greatest human value and it deserves the recognition of the widest strata of the society.


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