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We hereby inform you that the General Terms and Conditions of NÚSZ Zrt. (National Toll Payment Services PLC) will be changed as from 1 September 2017.

The deadline of the data to be transmitted to the Toll Declaration Operators will be limited to 15 days. We ask you to pay special attention to this deadline in order to be able to avoid penalties at any time. The process of data transfer and the further circumstances of the cooperation remain unchanged.

In which cases must increased attention be paid to this deadline?

The maximum satisfaction of our partners is very important for i-Cell Kft., so we ask you to study carefully the following information in order to be able to avoid the penalties.


In order to avoid toll penalties to a maximum degree, please take a look at our video series about the on-board unit under the following link:

If you have any further questions about the device, please visit our website where you can obtain useful information on how to use the device exactly:

Should you have any problems with your device, our colleagues are ready to help you on the phone number +36 1 510 0548 or under the e-mail address.

We look forward continuing our cooperation with you as smoothy as hitherto.

Best regards, i-Cell Kft.

Even if the awareness of the toll payer is increasing, there are many drivers who- due to their carelessness or neglecting the existing alarm functions- have to pay toll fines that could have been avoided. Through elimination of the most common mistakes and sources of negligence considerable sums could be saved which, in the light of the level of fines imposed by the authorities (from 140.000 up to 165.000 HUF), could guarantee the survival of smaller companies. In this respect, the toll declaration operators have a big responsibility in this area, their role in providing information and support may also be relevant for their market position. 

The Toll Declaration Operator is a service provider who forwards the data received both from the GPS tracking device of the vehicle and from the onboard unit in direction of State Motorway Management Company.” – this is the simplified determination. The role and the responsibility of the Toll Declaration Operators has changed in recent years since the introduction of the electronic toll payment system: The operators have to provide complex solutions, both in the area of services and product development, in order to be able to give as much support and protection as possible.

The Hungarian-owned company, i-Cell Kft.,  has been acting as Audited Toll Declaration Operator since the introduction of the system on 1 July 2013. The company provides route ticket services actually running into hundred of millions of forints and operates more than 35000 OBU devices that are suitable for toll payment.

Since the introduction of the e- toll payment system we have been following closely the problems of our partners. Our supporting systems are being continuously developed  around 3 main pillars based on our several yeras of experience  (information, service- and product development), in accordance with the changing customer needs. We have created customer-specified  training materials for drivers, fleet managers,owners, and since last year we offer our partners local trainings, both for teams and individuals. In addition, we have created training videos about the appropriate use of OBU S550 that had more than 30.000 visits till now. This shows that there is a strong demand for support and information, specially focusing on the drivers, that is, on the end user” – Károly Farkas, head of administration of i-Cell Kft., emphasized.

The OBU S550 device suitable for toll payment has been developed further by the company in recent years in order to inform the driver about the possible operational errors not only with light, but also with acoustic signals, no matter if the errors are caused by technical problems or by  insufficient credit balance. Thanks to the system update , there is no more need to switch off and on the device while crossing the border, the number of axles can also be set online,moreover, the users can check the voltage of the internal battery of vehicle and the onboard unit.  In addition to these services, our users can fully check the operation of the OBU device, no matter whether they have an old or a new device.

As the world of logistics is always changing and the consignments are on the road around the clock, service providers have to support – together with the further training, training courses and the development of the OBU S550 devices– the company leaders, the fleet managers as well as the drivers on site with a servicing ecosystem that is available around the clock.

„Our callcenter and online Helpdesk respond to requests around the clock  and with the portal we have created a self-developed webbased user interface. On this platform every function of the OBU devices can be continuously checked via a PC or through a mobile application, in 9 languages in total, so that the drivers easily get the required information also on the road, thus helping them to pay as few fines as possible, that could have been easily avoided.- Károly Farkas added.

 On this website the user can track, for instance, the time of the last purchased route ticket, the route tickets of the  vehicle, the validity of the SIM card as well as the position of the vehicle in a map view. Through the web interface the user are able to check more devices at the same time, so that additional information and further details to the devices are available for the whole vehicle fleet.

The number of OBU onboard devices suitable for electronic toll payment is steadily increasing in Hungary, according to the figures of NÚSZ Zrt. ( National Toll Payment Services Plc) the penetration rate  of OBU devices reached 97% by August this year,  as concerns the Hungarian vehicles. One of the Hungarian Toll Declaration Operators considers, that despite the fact that the awareness of toll payer is growing, there are still a lot of companies that have to pay fines resulting from carelessness and non-usage of the existing fine alert functions which could have been avoided.


Since the introduction of HU-GO  distance-based toll system on 1 July 2013 the number of OBU (On Board Unit) devices used for electronic toll payment  has been steadily growing, and, as an evidence of the growing awareness of freight forwarders, the available balances are also growing at the same time:  based on figures of NÚSZ of October 2016,  the sum of deposits reached HUF 5,3 billion. The users must be aware that their vehicles will be checked  from time to time with different intensity, due to the still increasing volumen, although this increase has been slowing down.

The HU-GO fine alert function has been created by NÚSZ for the protection of bona fide freight forwarders, this function sends a warning to the user in case of data outage lasting 30 minutes, so that the user – if he monitors the system signals – has a good chance to avoid the fine.
As for the awareness of users, there is still room for improvement, as it is confirmed by market experiences of one of the Toll Declaration Operators.

„We currently transfer route tickets in amount of hundred millions HUF and we provide services for more than 35 thousand OBU devices. The data show that the fine alert function is activated in no more than 54% of all devices. Breaking down this data by partners, the general aspect is more informative: only 31,7% of companies use this function, that is, companies operating larger fleets and consequently using more OBU devices. Unfortunately, however, many  companies using only one or two devices  do not pay enough attention to it, although smaller companies  could be more sensibly affected by a possible toll fine” – emphasized Károly Farkas, Chief Operating Officer  of toll Declaration Operator i-Cell Kft.

As for route tickets handled by i-Cell in amount of hundred millions HUF, the users have submitted requests to the company for initiation of penalty proceedings in less than 1% of all cases.

The percentage distribution of requests is as follows:

·         in 74,5% of cases inadequate device usage has occurred, that is, the device indicated the failure/problem, but it was not treated by the the operator/ driver in time respectively the signals of device were not taken into consideration  (If the device does not light at all, it is also kind of indication).

·         in 6,5% of all cases there was a HU-GO data registration problem (truck number, ID identification number etc.).

·         in 19% of cases the vehicle had a route ticket, but due to a failure caused by Skipping or Missed Road Sections the penalty proceeding had been initiated, but the penalty was later cancelled.

„On close examination of failures resulting from inadequate device usage we see, that in 55% of cases the users have forgotten to switch the device on, GSM connection problems and overwriting have occurred in 30% of cases and in about 10% the device has not been administrated properly or it has been disconnected or switched off the system. In cases of vis major, when the company is fined due to device fault, a power supply problem or insufficient GPS-signal, that is, without the fault of the driver, the problems led to penalty proceedings in only 5% of all cases. From our point of view it can be concluded that the majority of penalty proceedings could be avoided by paying greater attention and awareness to the aforementioned  aspects” – added Károly Farkas.


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