1 éves a HU-GO elektronikus útdíjszedési rendszere

2014 August 28.

Since its launch the e-toll system has been working operationally and in a regulated way without serious problems. It has fully fulfilled the revenue expectations of the State budget: the earned toll amounted in total to 103,6 thousand million forints till midnight 24 August. Approximately 40 thousand customers with about 142 thousand vehicles have been registered in the system till now, more than half of them  – 76 thousand trucks – make the toll declaration already by using onboard unit (OBU).

– All the 101 control gates have been prepared and are already functioning on the 6500 kilometres long charged road network. Besides, 45 own and approximately 60 data collecting police cars are carrying out the control function, and it is expected that we shall increase their effectiveness through the integration of e-vignette and e-toll payment systems. Kibédi-Varga Lajos, spokesman of the National Toll Payment Services PLC said and he added: – Consequently, the e-toll cameras will be soon able to control the road usage right with e-vignette end vice versa.

The toll declaration through onboard unit (OBU) provides for a much more convenient toll payment comparing to the relational ticket. In the interests of whole transparency, the pilot period of the fine notification system was launched at the beginning of August. The introduction of the email notification function enables the drivers acting in good faith to meet the requirements of law-abiding behaviour and to avoid the successive fines by correcting their consequent wrong user settings. However, the alarming system won’t change the fining procedure, the data concerning the unauthorized road usage are being transferred to authorities in the closed control system.

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