Keresse az új HU-GO tájékoztatót és kerülje el a büntetéseket

2014 September 18.

The experiences of controls of the National Toll Payment Services PLC /NÚSZ Zrt./ which have been carried out during summer concerning road usage rights, show, that the proportion of hauliers non paying the toll is only 1,2 % after the visual control, and this number is steadily decreasing from one month to the next. Since the introduction of the system of last year, the majority of carriers has learnt how to use the HU-GO system, however, some typical user errors still occur that are worth highlighting. In order to promote the law-abiding behaviour, the NÚSZ Zrt. has again collected the most important information in its autumnal brochure „e-Toll guide”. The printed prospectus is available at customer service points of NÚSZ Zrt,, at the dealer points / e.g. at patrol stations/, in offices of the interest representatives and on the HU-GO website as well.

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