Átvette VB-ajándékát az első i-Cell nyertes

2014 July 24.

i-Cell Kft. motivates its partners also with exclusive prizes relating to the football World Cup to extend their OBU warranty. On 15 July Kuntej Zrt. was the first company to take over the prize valuable for football fans.

On 15 July Károly Farkas, Chief Operating Officer of i-Cell Kft, solemnly handed over the prize of the extended OBU warranty to István Kovács, General Manager of Kuntej Zrt. In return, the leader of the company that produces nationwide well-known and popular milk products such as Caucasus kefir, Kunság half-fat curd cheese, and Kunság sour cream,handed over cheese specialities for the team of i-Cell and said that he,as a football fan, was particularly glad to receive a World Cup gift as a result of the extended OBU warranty. The general manager emphasized that the obuifleet website of i-Cell (http://obu.ifleet.hu) had been very useful for Kuntej Zrt.; it is an extra service to their OBU devices, since they can control their devices by means of this website. In the name of i-Cell Károly Farkas thanked for the appreciation, he added that it was an honour and a pleasure for the company to  have such a partner like one of the major milk producer of the country.

The handover of prizes of OBU extended warranty special offer is continuously underway since then.

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