Tuesday March 31st, 2020 (Magyar) A mezőgazdasági járművek az egy évvel ezelőtti időszakhoz hasonló intenzitással dolgoznak GPS nyomkövetés i-Fleet Mezőgazdaság

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Tuesday June 7th, 2016 Felmérés – A megkérdezett gazdák 88%-a venne részt technológiai továbbképzésen agrár Mezőgazdaság precíziós gazdálkodás

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Monday May 9th, 2016 A precíziós gazdálkodás fejlesztései segíthetnek az uniós pályázati adatlapok kitöltésében i-cell Mezőgazdaság precíziós gazdálkodás

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Thursday February 25th, 2016 Felmérés készül a precíziós gazdálkodás hazai helyzetéről i-cell Mezőgazdaság precíziós gazdálkodás

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Wednesday July 22nd, 2015 Egyre több gazda élhet a precíziós mezőgazdálkodás előnyeivel Mezőgazdaság precíziós gazdálkodás sajtóközlemény

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Friday June 26th, 2015 Tábláról táblára i-Fleet Agro Mezőgazdaság mezőgazdasági gép nyomkövetés

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Tuesday June 16th, 2015 Gazdálkodj okosan! környezetvédelem Mezőgazdaság precíziós gazdálkodás

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Monday March 23rd, 2015 Ön is kíváncsi, mennyit fogyaszthat a traktorja? i-Fleet Mezőgazdaság traktor üzemanyagszint-mérés

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Monday March 16th, 2015 A PreGa mezőgazdasági konferencián az i-Cell új technológiája konferencia Mezőgazdaság precíziós gazdálkodás üzemanyag-szintmérés

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Wednesday June 11th, 2014 A műholdas gépjárműkövetés nekem luxus? – Mezőgazdaság Gépjárműkövetés Mezőgazdaság

The satellite-based vehicle tracking systems are already well known to companies involved in agriculture, but only few of them are aware of the advantages the system can provide in the agricultural sector. Let us now see how you can take advantage of these functions by installing the i-Fleet fleet management system!

In the second part of our compilation we show you how useful the i-Fleet system can be if your company is interested in the agricultural sector.

  • Online vehicle tracking: Monitoring, recording the movement of the vehicle concerned as well as drawing the covered route, in case of agricultural sector the cultivated route; these are the basic data provided by the i-Fleet vehicle tracking system.
  • Thus you can get exact information whether the driver of the relevant vehicle has carried out the distributed work in a timely and correct manner. It gives – together with the working operation control- a complex report and control for companies involved in the agricultural sector.
  • Controlling and recording the operation: By using the „operation”option you can monitor and record the type of work carried out by the machine operator in the given period. It makes the work more transparent and traceable, since the operator can select the cultivation instrument he connected to the work machine using the keyboard placed on the vehicle or the LCD display, thus indicating the operation he is just doing. The LCD keyboard has even more functions, such as: the machine operator has also the possibility to select the applied material (fertilisation), so you can find all the required information in the reports.
  • Patch level reports: Patch level reports make the management of agricultural activities more transparent, since in this case the information concerns the cultivated patches instead of the covered route.
  • By using this method you can easily query the area cultivated by a given machine operator in a specific patch in an optional period using a given operation.
  • Simplifying the administration: Reports that have been prepared in paper format till now are provided by the i-Fleet system transparently and systematically. The data can be easily exported, thus gathering paper-based information will no longer be required.
  • Cultivation report: Agronomists can prepare the mandatory cultivation report to be prepared in a short time using our AgroPro system.
  • Fuel control: Expenditures relating to fuel are generally high in the agricultural sector. The fuel control recommended as a part of the system enables you to control the planned fuel costs and to notice the possible saving points.

In our next article we will show you the advantages of vehicle tracking for companies having sales and service vehicle fleet. Should you have any requests or questions, please call us at the +36(1)467-1750 phone number. (…)

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