The vehicle tracking system as expression is known to many people, but what is the function of it exactly? Is it worth spending for it? How can we reduce the company’s costs by installing the i-Fleet fleet management system? In the first part of our brief compilation we will show you the advantages of the i-Fleet system, from the point of view of a transport company:

Please follow our news, in our next article we will show you the advantages of vehicle tracking for companies interested in agriculture! Should you have any requests or questions, please call us at the +36 (1) 467 1750 phone number. (more…)

We are pleased to congratulate the i-Cell Mobilsoft Zrt on its outstanding achievement, thanks to which they have won third place of the Innomax Prize founded by the Invitel Zrt.

The goal of establishing the InnoMax Prize was to support the innovation efforts of domestic companies and to draw the attention to their developments and efforts.  This year is the fifth occasion they publish the invitation to this competition and for the first time in the history of the prize for the civil and non-profit sector as well.

The innovation prize for the own planned distance-based HU-GO electronic toll payment system was not the first recognition i-Cell Mobilsoft Zrt. has deserved, in a previous article we already had the opportunity to congratulate them on their work. However, the recognitions are coming not only from Hungary, the development of the system was by the European Union also considered as an outstanding innovative solution.

We wish the staff members of i-Cell Mobilsoft Zrt. similar successes in the future as well!


We congratulate the National Toll Payment Services PLC, the i-Cell Mobilsoft Zrt. and the ARH Zrt. on their successes and on the Innovation Prize of 2013 awarded by the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

The revolutionary new HU-GO Hungarian electronic toll payment system that has been jointly developed by the above mentioned  firms was also recognised by companies and experts who are at the forefront of stimulating the national innovation,since this development was the first in the world to make enable other Declaration Operators or even foreign companies to connect to this open platform. By means of the new solution Hungary has taken a great step towards the uniform European system which is expected to be realised in the long run.

Special i-Fleet solution in vehicles of Envirochem Kft. 

The Envirochem Kft. has 8 years experience of fuel transport and 15 years experience of fuel wholesale trade, especially fuel transport is a specific field for average people. The petrol and gas oil distributed at their own „ENVI”  petrol station network are imported from EU countries.  Bakos Richárd, professional leader of transport department of Envi petrol station network and fuel wholesale distributor, has considerable experience in solving difficulties which may arise in the course of petrol and gas oil transport.

This section of transport branch stands out from other sections, since the product itself and the transport vehicle have special features: the fuel is extremely sensitive. It is highly inflammable and explosive and is classified in the ADR III hazard category, the transport semi-trailer and the special tank are extremely expensive. Consequently, the drivers are very highly qualified and in order to be entitled to transport this kind of goods, they shall have passed a special fire-protection examination as well as they must have a driving licence for vehicles equipped with special tank
(the driving licence must be regularly renewed). There are more and more safety requirements the companies and drivers must meet in the course of transportation and in addition, security inspections are becoming stricter.

Envirochem Kft. has therefore to pay greater attention to comply with safety regulations, as it is not only about the significant punishments; the statistics show that 99% of accidents is caused by human negligence, so it is in the highest interest of Envirochem Kft. to use the best possible state-of-the-art devices. Envirochem Kft. uses therefore the i-Fleet products distributed by i-Cell Kft. to complete the control. The system was developed tailored to the needs of Envirochem Kft. and it is based on the i-Fleet satellite-supported fleet management system, but it goes beyond. The capacitive fuel probe installed in transport vehicles as well as the sensors monitoring the opening of loading and unloading side boxes serve saving, safety purposes and the efficient checking as well. The probe enables you to calculate and to check the fuel consumed by vehicles in an accurate manner –it may result in a considerable saving on fuel consumption- since it is well-known, that  fuel costs make up the majority of expenses of a transport company. The door opening sensors monitoring the loading and unloading side boxes –which is a special development of i-Cell Kft. for Envirochem Kft. – is not only safe but convenient at the same time, as it has alert and sabotage functions too. It helps not only to prevent accidents, but it eliminates the possible misuses as well.

The specific solutions of i-Cell Kft. are not unknown in this branch. The company entered the market more than 15 years ago, since then it has implemented revolutionary new solutions, starting from the modular systems based on GPS-supported fleet management over devices suitable for toll payment up to the individual mobile payment solutions.


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The National Toll Payment Services PLC (NÚSZ Zrt.) will make available soon a new application for mobile phones. The development aims- among others – to ensure that toll charges can also be paid through mobile phone in a quick, comfortable manner and in addition, without further charges. The application can make the toll payment more convenient for our partners using OBU (on-board unit), as there are plans to implement other useful functions, such as to make the users enable to top up their credit via mobile phone.

In the course of the application development the NÚSZ Zrt. considers the user feedbacks particular important, therefore users intending to contribute with their experiences to the programme under development are asked to fill in a questionnaire.

We are delighted to present you our newest comfort service! Our company was one of the first organizations on the telematics market to make available the integration in the TimoCom TC eMap map software that provides considerable benefits to all our dear partners using i-Fleet system. In addition to the comfort, the new function is perfectly suited to enable our partners to carry out their work in a much more quick and effective manner. For more information please contact our colleagues!

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When buying an electronic product, the appropriate support and flexible service are of the greatest importance, in particular when these electronic products are installed in vehicles. In addition to the good quality, in case of satellite-based fleet management systems distributed by us, our company also pays particular attention to the service of highest quality, including the installation or repair with the least inconvenience to our partners. Therefore, in order to establish an even better service offer, in February we have renewed and increased the vehicle fleet of our technical service department, as well as by seizing this opportunity we offer a new service of convenience to our partners. At the same time we have also established a calibration station thus relieving our customers ordering capacitive probe from the need to ensure own infrastructure for calibration. The capacitive probe has the advantage of monitoring continuously the current fuel level in your vehicle’s fuel tank and providing information even if the vehicle is unattended, so using it you can spare time and money. For more information on advantages of the capacitive probe please contact us at any of our availabilities, our colleagues are pleased to answer your questions!

Our company, through its service network that is unique in Hungary, allows all its kind customers to get their OBU unit repaired in one of the large cities nearest them or even they can replace it, thus avoiding the inconveniences associated with return of unit or waiting time. Both market leader brand services for trucks such as Volvo, Scania. Almádi Truck respectively Delta Truck trademark service points as well as the chief agency of VDO (Tachograf) for Hungary are to be found in our service network. Our service network is at the disposal of our kind partners not only with its repair works under warranty as well as selling component parts and units suitable for toll declaration, but also with advisory services,if needed..

Besides performing replacement and expert activities, our service points deal with professional on site installation of OBU units that makes the unit usage more convenient, in addition to keeping the warranty valid. However, if you require other vehicle-related services, our service points offer a wide range of relating services such as vehicle diagnostics, windscreen replacement,vehicle inspection,insurance administration, vehicle body works, tachograph repair, car body painting or tire service. Should you have any OBU- or vehicle-related problems, please contact our service point nearest to you.

For more information on location of our service points and business hours click here! (more…)

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